Growing up my favourite breakfast in the world was pancakes. The batter was a simple white flour, white sugar, milk and egg mixture, and then smothered in pancake syrup, berries, icing sugar and on occasion, whipped cream.

As I got older and became more aware of healthy living, the idea of loading up on that amount of sugar in the morning became extremely unappealing. 

Thankfully, now there are so many pancake recipes out there that still taste just as delicious but will not provide you with that 10am sugar crash. 

Nutritionist Carissa Mason kindly shared her go-to pancake recipe that is so quick and easy in the MOD Blend Pro, it can be made during the working week. It is also gluten free and dairy free so suits a range of diets. 

The best thing about pancakes is the toppings (of course!). There are no rules with pancake toppings, so do whatever tickles your fancy! Carissa loves topping them with creamy tahini, coconut yoghurt, a chocolate paleo mix, berries, kiwifruit and honey.

July 20, 2021 — Mod Appliances