Nowadays there are so many delicious milk alternatives on the market. Plant-based milks have become a staple for those following a vegan diet or dealing with a lactose intolerance. Soy, almond and oat are the three most common substitutes, with most cafes and restaurants stocking at least one of these non-dairy delights. 

What you may not have known about these store-bought beverages is that they often come with additives. Not only do most grocery store plant-based milks have sugar and preservatives added, they're also usually formulated with a very watered down version of the main ingredient. Making your own plant-based milk at home is the absolute best way to assure you know exactly what you're sipping on. 

One of our favorite plant-based milks to make with a MOD Cold Press Juicer is oat milk! 

Oats are a whole-grain carbohydrate, meaning they are unrefined and consumed in their "whole" form. Whole grains have been said to help minimize risk of heart disease as well as diabetes and obesity. 

What are the Benefits of Making Oat Milk at Home? 

  • Cheaper 
  • Less Ingredients 
  • The texture is to die-for 

For the warm summer months, nothing tastes sweeter in an iced coffee than homemade oat milk. Keep reading for step-by-step instructions to make this delicious drink at home. Invite a friend over for coffee and treat them to an all-natural energy boost or pack one in a reusable mug as you step out for your morning stroll!


October 03, 2023 — Mod Appliances
Tags: Plant Milk