This bright green tropical smoothie is filled with all the good stuff. 

Hemp seeds are now available in most supermarkets and are a great source of both protein and essential fatty acids. The body is unable to produce essential fatty acids yet they are crucial for ensuring long term health. Adding something like hemp seeds regularly into your diet ensures that your body is getting a sufficient dose. 

Another slightly unusual ingredient in this smoothie is psyllium husk. It's a great addition to smoothies if you prefer your smoothie on the thicker side. They absorb more water than chia seeds and have no impact on taste. They are also an awesome source of fibre and are fantastic for gut health. If you don’t have any on hand, chia or flax seeds can be subbed in for a similar result. 

Lastly, a quick word on maca powder. Maca powder is also now stocked in most supermarkets (check out the health food isle). It has a slightly earthy, caramel taste that adds a nice complexity to this smoothie. It is loaded with a number of important nutrients including vitamin C, copper and iron. If you can’t get your hands on any, subbed for extra hemp seeds and a pinch more cinnamon. 

July 20, 2021 — Mod Appliances