Move over pancakes, french toast is the new weekend breakfast on the block. 

So many people think french toast is an unhealthy option for breakfast and with so many cafes opting to top their french toast with ice cream, strips of streaky bacon and sugary crumbs, I can certainly see why that is the case. 

But it doesn't have to be! Grab some good quality, sturdy bread. Dunk it in a mixture of eggs and orange juice along with some spices, fry in a little bit of coconut oil and top with greek yoghurt and fresh fruit and all of a sudden, you have a balanced meal containing protein, calcium, good fats and carbs. Using orange juice instead of milk in the batter eliminates the need to add sugar or some form of sweetener as the natural sugars in the orange juice provide enough sweetness on their own. 

July 27, 2021 — Mod Appliances
Tags: Juicer Oranges